Mindset Training From Top Experts To Help You Deal With Difficult Customers ($995 value)
You can begin your Mindset journey with a 6-week Positive Intelligence (PQ) course created by Shirzad Chamine, a renowned Stanford professor and the author of the highly acclaimed book ‘Emotional Intelligence.’ Our team consists of licensed coaches in his system, ensuring that you receive for free as part of our AI Brilliance Boost membership, the same course offered on his website for $995. As an added benefit, we will guide you, providing tailored tips aligned with your goals and circumstances.

Shirzad Chamine presents the idea that our minds can be our best friend or worst enemy.
“Positive Intelligence” introduces the concept of Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ), a measure of the mind’s positivity versus negativity. Chamine argues that by increasing our PQ, we can achieve our true potential and enjoy a more fulfilling life.
Chamine’s 6-week course aims to help participants identify their own saboteurs, understand how they operate, and cultivate the sage powers needed to overcome them. The course involves practices like mindfulness, identifying emotional triggers, separating facts from stories, and conscious decision making. By completing the course, participants should gain greater emotional intelligence, make wiser choices, and achieve their goals with less inner resistance.
Week One
Introduction to the concept of Positive Intelligence and understanding the Saboteurs.
Week Two
Deep dive into identifying one’s primary saboteur and its impact.
Week Three
Exploration of the Sage perspective and its powers.
Week Four
Techniques to activate the Sage powers and weaken the Saboteurs
Week Five
Building mental muscles through daily exercises to increase PQ.
Week Six
Consolidating learnings and creating a sustained plan for high PQ living.
Main Saboteur- The Judge
Constantly finds fault in ourselves, others, and circumstances. Everyone has an inner judge or saboteur that critiques our thoughts, feelings, and actions. This judge evolved to keep us safe but can become overactive and harmful.
“Judge-Free Thinking” is used to help silence or at least minimize this negative inner voice.
The Nine Accomplice Saboteurs
- The Controller: Has an inherent need to take charge and control situations.
- The Stickler: Seeks perfection and is bothered by imperfections in any form.
- The Avoider: Evades difficult and uncomfortable tasks or confrontations.
- The Restless: Is always in search of greater excitement or distraction.
- The Pleaser: Desires to be accepted and liked by everyone.
- The Victim: Embraces the passive-aggressive stance, often feeling powerless.
- The Hyper-Rational: Overly analytical, lacking empathy and emotional connection.
- The Hyper-Vigilant: Always alert, anxious, and expects the worst-case scenarios.
- The Hyper-Achiever: Driven to constantly accomplish, succeed, gain status and recognition.
Can you see a little of yourself in any of these saboteurs?
The Sage Powers:
The Sage is the positive counterpart to the Saboteurs. The Sage operates from a calm, centered space and uses five primary powers:
Positive counterpart to the Saboteurs
The Sage is the positive counterpart to the Saboteurs. The Sage operates from a calm, centered space and uses five primary powers:
- Empathize: Connects with and understands the feelings of oneself and others.
- Explore: Curiously investigates without judgment.
- Innovate: Thinks outside the box, creating novel solutions.
- Navigate: Chooses the best path forward, considering all options.
- Activate: Takes decisive action without procrastination.

In summary, Emotional Intelligence provides a framework for recognizing unhelpful emotional patterns, developing more constructive habits of mind, and unlocking one’s highest potential which means more sales and more income!
Detailed program overview below